Our services


Custom Press and PR Campaign

We understand that an effective PR campaign is more than just a press release on a new product or a fundraiser to raise brand awareness, we create custom plans that build you towards your goals.

Podcast Development

Have a great idea for a podcast but don’t know where to start? Have you built a podcast but have hit a growth plateau? We are here to help with show development, guest booking, and sponsorship ads.




Are you an influencer looking to break through and work with brands? 

Maybe your are an artist ready to grow your brand! We can help! Let's put pen to paper and get started! 

Brand recognition is our goal! 


Custom website

Let us help! We guarantee we will create something eye catching and unique. Our goal is to highlight YOU!

Everyone needs a website and EPK - lets work together!

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Organic Playlist Pitching

This is a super targeted version of radio. You get exposed to tons of new people that are almost definitely going to be into the music you put out! It won't turn you famous over night, but you will be able to build a real fanbase of listeners for yourself!


Social Media Management

We offer full-service social media management services. Transform your social media presence with high-quality content, daily activity, and increasing followers.